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作者: 2015-08-05 01:46



About the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IMMC)

The purpose of the IMMC is to promote the teaching and learning of mathematical

modeling and its applications at all educational levels for all students. It is based on the

firm belief that students and teachers need to experience the power of mathematics to

help better understand, analyze and solve real world problems outside of mathematics

itself – and to do so in realistic contexts. The Challenge is being launched in the spirit of

promoting educational change and building an international platform and community to

nurture students' passion and capability for innovation.

IMMC was established in the spring of 2014 in Boston. Its co-founders and co-orgznizers are Consortium for

Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) in US and NeoUnion ESC Organization in Hong


IMMC is distinguished from other mathematical contests by its real world problem and

its strong focus on research, originality, teamwork, communication and justification of





ICIAM 2015 Mini-symposium on Mathematical Modeling Education

Organizer: NeoUnion ESC Organization, Hong Kong

Time: 13:30 – 18:00 August 14 2015 (Friday)

Venue: Multi-functional Room C, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China

Abstract: This minisymposium, part of sessions on ICIAM 2015, will introduce the newly instituted international

contest in modeling for secondary school students - International Mathematical Modeling

Challenge (IMMC) whose co-founders and co-organizers are Consortium for

Mathematics and its Application (COMAP) and NeoUnion ESC Organization. The meaning

and significance of mathematical modeling education for fostering students’

innovation competencies will be addressed in response to the global trend in STEM

education. Award presentation to local teams will be held during the minisymposium.

A team of students and their teacher advisor who won the Outstanding Prize in the

first Annual IM2C 2015 will make presentation. Review in depth of the contest problem

Movie Scheduling and commentary on solution papers by awarded teams will be lectured.

Hands-on workshop on mathematical modeling teaching and learning will be offered in

the minisymposium.

Ten countries participated in the 1st annual IMMC 2015. There were 60 teams from Greater

China including 15 teams from Hong Kong and Macau, 22 teams from Beijing,

and 23 teams from Shanghai. All teams worked at their own schools during a

5 day period between April 15 and May 15, 2015. Each team was given a

modeling problem and then constructed their solutions. This year’s problem

Movie Scheduling asked the teams to design a model for the effective filming

and production of a motion picture. Outstanding prize were awarded to four

teams: Palo Alto High School, US; Raffles Girls' School (Secondary), Singarpore;

the Affiliated High School of Peking University, China; and Shanghai Nanyang

Model School, China. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on July 5 2015

at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Contact: NeoUnion ESC Organization(儒蓮教科文機構)

Room 2918, 29/F, Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road, Wan Chai , Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3521 1296  Fax: (852) 3521 1297 Email:

@1992-2024 All Rights Reserved.   Organizor: 中国工业与应用数学学会